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{{no direct use}}
This template allows a navigational template to be set up relatively quickly by supplying it with one or more lists of links. Using this template is highly recommended for standardization of navigational templates, and for ease of use.
This template is designed to set up navigational templates relatively quickly with one or more lists of links. We highly recommend using this template for standardizing navigational templates and ease of use, especially for mobile devices.

== Usage ==
See [[support:RANGER navboxes|the support wiki]] for more information, including installation steps and further examples.
Please remove the parameters that are left blank.

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" style="overflow: auto;">{{Navbox
== Basic example ==
| name      = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
The following example demonstrates the core functionality of this template: the title text, one standard link group, and one link group that contains two sub-groups. The rows are striped for easier readability.
| title     =
| listclass  = hlist
| state      = {{{state|}}}

| above      =
| image      =

| group1    =
| title = Items
| list1      =
| striped = even

| group2    =
| group1 = Consumables
| list2      =
| list1 =
* Health Potion
* Mana Potion

| group3    =
| group2 = Weapons
| list3      =

<!-- ... -->
| group2.1 = Swords
| list2.1 =
* Wooden Sword
* Rusted Sword
* Steel Sword

| below      =
| group2.2 = Bows
| list2.2 =
* Shortbow
* Crossbow
* Longbow
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" style="overflow: auto;">
| template = <template_title> <!-- Required. e.g. `|template=Items` for template:Items -->
| title = Items
| striped = even
| group1 = Consumables
| list1 =
* Health Potion
* Mana Potion
| group2 = Weapons
| group2.1 = Swords
| list2.1 =
* Wooden Sword
* Rusted Sword
* Steel Sword

== Parameter list ==
| group2.2 = Bows
| list2.2 =
| name  = Navbox/doc
* Shortbow
| state  = uncollapsed
* Crossbow
| title  = {{{title}}}
* Longbow
| above  = {{{above}}}
| image  = {{{image}}}
| group1 = {{{group1}}}
| list1  = {{{list1}}}
| group2 = {{{group2}}}
| list2 = {{{list2}}}
| list3  = {{{list3}}} ''without {{{group3}}}''
| group4 = {{{group4}}}
| list4  = {{{list4}}}
| below  = {{{below}}}

The navbox uses lowercase parameter names, as shown in the box (''above''). The required ''name'' and ''title'' will create a one-line box if other parameters are omitted.
== Parameters ==
=== Main ===
The following parameters modify the navbox as a whole.

Notice "group1" (etc.) is optional, as are sections named "above/below".
{| class="wikitable"
! Parameter
The basic and most common parameters are as follows (see [[#Parameter descriptions|below]] for the full list):
! Description
! <code>template</code><br><code>name</code>
| ('''Required''') Title of the template that the edit icon links to. e.g. <code>Items</code> for template:Items.
! <code>title</code>
| Text that appears at the top of the navbox.
! <code>state</code><br><code>collapsible</code>
| Controls if a navbox should be expanded or collapsed when the page loads. This only affects the whole navbox; if [[#Sections|sections]] are used, they are treated differently.
* <code>expanded</code> ('''default''') - the navbox will start open and readers can collapse it.
* <code>collapsed</code> - the navbox will start closed and readers can expand it.
* <code>off</code>, <code>no</code>, or <code>plain</code> - the navbox will start open and cannot be collapsed.
Advanced users can modify this on a page-by-page basis; see [[support:RANGER navboxes#Controlling the collapsible|the support wiki]] for more information.
! <code>editlinks</code>
| Controls if an edit icon should be displayed at the top-left of the navbox, making it easier for users to interact with the template itself.
* unset ('''default''') - displays the edit icon
* <code>off</code> or <code>no</code> - hides the edit icon
! <code>above</code>
| Text that appears above all list groups, directly below the title.
! <code>below</code>
| Text that appears below all list groups, at the bottom of the navbox.
! <code>striped</code><br><code>evenodd</code>
| Controls if the navbox rows should have zebra striping on even or odd rows, making it easier for users to distinguish two rows apart from each other. If [[#Sections|sections]] are used, each section resets the even/odd counter.
*unset ('''default''') - all rows have the same background
*<code>y</code>, <code>yes</code>, <code>on</code>, <code>striped</code>, or <code>even</code> - even-numbered rows are highlighted
*<code>swap</code> or <code>odd</code> - odd-numbered rows are highlighted

: <code>name</code> – the name of the template.
=== Sections ===
: <code>title</code> – text in the title bar, such as: <nowiki>[[Widget stuff]]</nowiki>.
The following parameters define sections within the navbox with their own titles.
: <code>class</code> - an optional CSS class for the entire navbox, to enable custom styling.
: <code>listclass</code> – a CSS class for the list cells, usually <code>hlist</code> for horizontal lists.
: <code>state</code> – controls when a navbox is expanded or collapsed.
: <code>above</code> – text to appear above the group/list section (could be a list of overall wikilinks).
: <code>image</code> – an optional right-side image, coded as the whole image. Typically it is purely decorative, so it should be coded as <code><nowiki>[[File:</nowiki><var>XX</var><nowiki>.jpg|80px|link=|alt=]]</nowiki></code>.
: <code>imageleft</code> – an optional left-side image (code the same as the "image" parameter).
: <code>group<sub>n</sub></code> – the left-side text before list-n (if group-n omitted, list-n starts at left of box).
: <code>list<sub>n</sub></code> – text listing wikilinks using a [[wikipedia:Help:Lists|wikilist]] format.
: <code>below</code> – optional text to appear below the group/list section.

== Parameter descriptions ==
{| class="wikitable"
The following is a complete list of parameters for using {{tlx|Navbox}}. In most cases, the only required parameters are <code>name</code>, <code>title</code>, and <code>list1</code>.
! Parameter
! Description
! <code>header''n''</code>
| Text that appears at the top of the section, where ''n'' is any positive integer. If the value is set to two or more <code>-</code> (e.g. <code>--</code>, <code>-----</code>, etc.) the new section will have no header bar and cannot be collapsed.

=== Setup parameters ===
All groups and lists that are ''n'' or higher will appear in this section unless there is a higher <code>header''n''</code> later in the template. For example, if a navbox defines <code>header1</code> and <code>header4</code>, the first section will include <code>list1</code>, <code>list2</code>, and <code>list3</code> (and any of their sub-lists), while the second section will include all remaining lists starting at <code>list4</code> and their sub-lists.
:; ''name''
:: The name of the template, which is needed for the "V&nbsp;• T&nbsp;• E" ("View&nbsp;• Talk&nbsp;• Edit") links to work properly on all pages where the template is used. You can enter <code><nowiki>{{subst:PAGENAME}}</nowiki></code> for this value as a shortcut.  The name parameter is only mandatory if a <code>title</code> is specified, and the <code>border</code> parameter is not set, and the <code>navbar</code> parameter is not used to disable the navbar.
! <code>header_state</code><br><code>state''n''</code>
:; ''state'' <span style="font-weight:normal;">[<code>autocollapse, collapsed, expanded, plain, off</code>]</span>
| <code>header_state</code> controls if all sections, by default, should be expanded or collapsed when the page loads.
:* Defaults to <code>autocollapse</code>. A navbox with <code>autocollapse</code> will start out collapsed if there are two or more tables on the same page that use other collapsible tables. Otherwise, the navbox will be expanded.
:* If set to <code>collapsed</code>, the navbox will always start out in a collapsed state.
:* If set to <code>expanded</code>, the navbox will always start out in an expanded state.
:* If set to <code>plain</code>, the navbox will always be expanded with no [hide] link on the right, and the title will remain centered (by using padding to offset the <small>V&nbsp;• T&nbsp;• E</small> links).
:* If set to <code>off</code>, the navbox will always be expanded with no [hide] link on the right, but no padding will be used to keep the title centered.  This is for advanced use only; the "plain" option should suffice for most applications where the [show]/[hide] button needs to be hidden.
: To show the box when standalone (non-included) but then auto-hide contents when in an article, put "expanded" inside <code>&lt;noinclude|&gt;</code>...<code>&lt;/noinclude|&gt;</code> tags. This setting will force the box visible when standalone (even when followed by other boxes), displaying "[hide]", but then it will auto-collapse the box when stacked inside an article:
:: <code><nowiki>| state =&nbsp;</nowiki></code><code>&lt;noinclude|&gt;</code>expanded<code>&lt;/noinclude|&gt;</code>
: Often times, editors will want a default initial state for a navbox, which may be overridden in an article. Here is the trick to do this:
:* In your intermediate template, create a parameter also named "state" as a pass-through like this:
:: <code><nowiki>| state = {{{state<includeonly>|your_desired_initial_state</includeonly>}}}</nowiki></code>
:* The <code>&lt;includeonly&gt;</code><code>|</code> will make the template expanded when viewing the template page by itself.
:; ''navbar''
:: If set to <code>plain</code>, the <span style="font-size: 88%;">V&nbsp;• T&nbsp;• E</span> links on the left side of the titlebar will not be displayed, and padding will be automatically used to keep the title centered.  Use <code>off</code> to remove the <span style="font-size: 88%;">V&nbsp;• T&nbsp;• E</span> links, but not apply padding (this is for advanced use only; the "plain" option should suffice for most applications where a navbar is not desired). It is highly recommended that one not hide the navbar, in order to make it easier for users to edit the template, and to keep a standard style across pages.

: ''See later section on [[#Child navboxes|using navboxes within one another]] for examples and a more complete description.'' If set to <code>child</code> or <code>subgroup</code>, then the navbox can be used as a borderless child that fits snugly in another navbox. The border is hidden and there is no padding on the sides of the table, so it fits into the ''list'' area of its parent navbox. If set to <code>none</code>, then the border is hidden and padding is removed, and the navbox may be used as a child of another container (do not use the <code>none</code> option inside of another navbox; similarly, only use the <code>child</code>/<code>subgroup</code> option inside of another navbox). If set to anything else (default), then a regular navbox is displayed with a 1px border. An alternate way to specify the border to be a subgroup style is like this (i.e. use the first unnamed parameter instead of the named ''border'' parameter):
<code>state''n''</code> overrides <code>header_state</code> for the specific section defined by <code>header''n''</code> (where ''n'' is a matching integer).
* <code>expanded</code> ('''default''') - the section will start open and readers can collapse it.
* <code>collapsed</code> - the section will start closed and readers can expand it.
* <code>off</code> or <code>plain</code> - the section will start open and cannot be collapsed.
Advanced users can modify these on a page-by-page basis; see [[support:RANGER navboxes#Controlling the collapsible|the support wiki]] for more information.

=== Cells ===
Both parameters have no effect on sections with headers set to two or more <code>-</code>, which are always expanded and cannot be collapsed.
; ''title''*
: Text that appears centered in the top row of the table. It is usually the template's topic, i.e. a succinct description of the body contents. This should be a single line, but if a second line is needed, use <code><nowiki>{{-}}</nowiki></code> to ensure proper centering. This parameter is technically not mandatory, but using {{tl|Navbox}} is rather pointless without a title.
; ''above''*
: A full-width cell displayed between the titlebar and first group/list, i.e. ''above'' the template's body (groups, lists and image). In a template without an image, ''above'' behaves in the same way as the ''list1'' parameter without the ''group1'' parameter.
; ''group<sub>n</sub>''*
: (i.e. ''group1'', ''group2'', etc.) If specified, text appears in a header cell displayed to the left of ''list<sub>n</sub>''. If omitted, ''list<sub>n</sub>'' uses the full width of the table.
; ''list<sub>n</sub>''*
: (i.e. ''list1'', ''list2'', etc.) The body of the template, usually a list of links. Format is inline, although the text can be entered on separate lines if the entire list is enclosed within <code><nowiki><div> </div></nowiki></code>. At least one ''list'' parameter is required; each additional ''list'' is displayed in a separate row of the table. Each ''list<sub>n</sub>'' may be preceded by a corresponding ''group<sub>n</sub>'' parameter, if provided (see below).
:Entries should be separated using a newline and an asterisk (*). If instead two asterisks are used, it provides [[wikipedia:Nesting (computing)|nesting]] within the previous entry by enclosing the entry with brackets. Increasing the number of asterisks used increases the number of brackets around entries.
; ''imageleft''*
: An image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the left of the body (lists). For the image to display properly, the ''list1'' parameter must be specified and no groups can be specified. It accepts the same sort of parameter that ''image'' accepts.
; ''below''*
: A full-width cell displayed ''below'' the template's body (groups, lists and image).

== Layout of table ==
=== List groups ===
===Without image, above and below===
The following parameters define the list groups.
Table generated by {{tl|Navbox}} '''without''' ''image'', ''above'' and ''below'' parameters:

{| class="wikitable"
| name = Navbox/doc
! Parameter
| state = uncollapsed
! Description
| title  = {{{title}}}
| group1 = {{{group1}}}
! <code>group''n''</code>
| list1  = {{{list1}}}
| Text label for a list, which appears on the left on desktop or at the top on mobile, where ''n'' is any positive integer.
| group2 = {{{group2}}}
| list2  = {{{list2}}}
| list3  = {{{list3}}} ''without {{{group3}}}''
| group4 = {{{group4}}}
| list4  = {{{list4}}}

===With image, above and below===
This parameter is optional; if a <code>list''n''</code> does not have a matching <code>group''n''</code>, the list will take the full width on desktop.
Table generated by {{tl|Navbox}} '''with''' ''image'', ''above'' and ''below'' parameters:
! <code>list''n''</code>
| A wikitext list, where ''n'' is any positive integer.
! <code>group''n''.''x''</code><br><code>group''n''.''x''.''y''</code><br>etc.
| Text label for sub-lists that appear under <code>group''n''</code>, <code>group''n''.''x''</code>, etc.
! <code>list''n''.''x''</code><br><code>list''n''.''x''.''y''</code><br>etc.
| Wikitext sub-lists.

=== Styling ===
| name = Navbox/doc
The following parameters add inline styling or your custom CSS classes to specific elements of the navbox.
| state = uncollapsed
| image  = {{{image}}}
| title  = {{{title}}}
| above  = {{{above}}}
| group1 = {{{group1}}}
| list1  = {{{list1}}}
| group2 = {{{group2}}}
| list2  = {{{list2}}}
| list3  = {{{list3}}} ''without {{{group3}}}''
| group4 = {{{group4}}}
| list4  = {{{list4}}}
| below  = {{{below}}}

===With image and without groups===
To assist with text alignment, three default classes are available: <code>align-left</code>, <code>align-center</code>, and <code>align-right</code>.
Table generated by {{tl|Navbox}} '''with''' ''image'', ''imageleft'', ''lists'', and '''without''' ''groups'', ''above'', ''below'':

{| class="wikitable"
| name = Navbox/doc
! Parameter
| state = uncollapsed
! Description
| image = {{{image}}}
| imageleft = {{{imageleft}}}
! <code>navbox_style</code><br><code>navbox_class</code>
| title = {{{title}}}
| Modifies the parent navbox element; <code>class</code> can be used as a shorthand for <code>navbox_class</code>
| list1 = {{{list1}}}
| list2 = {{{list2}}}
| list3 = {{{list3}}}
| list4 = {{{list4}}}

== Examples ==
Two default classes are available:
*<code>pill</code> changes the links to pill-styled rather than dot-separated
*<code>pill-mobile</code> only changes the links to pill-styled on mobile devices
! <code>title_style</code><br><code>title_class</code>
| Modifies the title bar
! <code>above_style</code><br><code>above_class</code>
| Modifies the <code>above</code> text row
! <code>below_style</code><br><code>below_class</code>
| Modifies the <code>below</code> text row
! <code>header_style</code><br><code>header_class</code>
| Modifies all section headers (''not'' the title bar)
! <code>header''n''_style</code><br><code>header''n''_class</code>
| Modifies the specific section header ''n''
! <code>section''n''_style</code><br><code>section''n''_class</code>
| Modifies the container holding the section defined by a matching <code>header''n''</code>
! <code>group_style</code><br><code>group_class</code>
| Modifies all base groups (<code>group''n''</code>), but ''not'' any subgroups (<code>group''n''.''x''</code>, etc.)
! <code>subgroup_style</code><br><code>subgroup_class</code>
| Modifies all subgroups at all levels (<code>group''n''.''x''</code>, <code>group''n''.''x''.''y''</code>, etc.)
! <code>group''A''_style</code><br><code>group''A''_class</code>
| Modifies the specific group ''A'', where ''A'' is any ''n'', ''n''.''x'', ''n''.''x''.''y'', etc.
! <code>list_style</code><br><code>list_class</code>
| Modifies all lists. Note, in this context, "list" refers to the container of a <code>list''n''</code> parameter, not a <code>ul</code> or <code>ol</code> element inside the parameter
! <code>list''A''_style</code><br><code>list''A''_class</code>
| Modifies the specific list ''A'', where ''A'' is any ''n'', ''n''.''x'', ''n''.''x''.''y'', etc.

== TemplateData ==
"params": {
"state": {
"label": "State",
"description": "Controls when a navbox is expanded or collapsed",
"example": "autocollapse",
"suggestedvalues": [
"default": "autocollapse",
"suggested": true
"title": {
"label": "Title",
"description": "Text in the title bar; centered in the top row of the table. Usually the template's topic.",
"example": "[[Template:Navbox]]",
"suggested": true
"above": {
"label": "Above",
"description": "Full-width cell displayed between the titlebar and first group/list, i.e. above the template's body (groups, lists and image)",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"image": {
"label": "Image",
"description": "Image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the right of the body",
"example": "[[File:XX.jpg | 80px | link= | alt= ]]",
"type": "wiki-file-name",
"suggested": true
"group1": {
"label": "Group 1",
"description": "If specified, text appears in a header cell displayed to the left of list 1. If omitted, list 1 uses the full width of the table.",
"suggested": true
"list1": {
"label": "List 1",
"description": "Body of the template; usually a list of links. Format is inline. At least one list parameter is required; each additional list is displayed in a separate row of the table. Each listn may be preceded by a corresponding groupn parameter.\nEntries should be separated using a newline and an asterisk. If two asterisks are used, it provides nesting within the previous entry with brackets.",
"required": true,
"suggested": true
"group2": {
"suggested": true
"list2": {
"suggested": true
"list3": {
"suggested": true
"group3": {
"suggested": true
"group4": {},
"list4": {},
"below": {
"label": "Below",
"description": "Full-width cell displayed below the template's body.",
"suggested": true
"imageleft": {
"label": "Image left",
"description": "Image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the left of the body. For the image to display properly, list1 parameter must be specified and no groups can be specified.",
"example": "[[File:XX.jpg | 80px | link= | alt= ]]",
"type": "wiki-file-name"
"name": {
"label": "Name",
"description": "The name of the template. Needed for \"View • Talk • Edit\" links to work properly.",
"type": "string",
"default": "{{subst:PAGENAME}}",
"suggested": true
"class": {
"label": "Navbox class",
"description": "CSS class for the navbox.",
"example": "navbox-items",
"type": "string"
"listclass": {
"label": "List class",
"description": "CSS class for the list cells, usually hlist for horizontal lists.",
"example": "hlist",
"type": "string"
"navbar": {
"label": "Navbar status",
"example": "plain, off",
"type": "string"
"border": {
"label": "Border status",
"example": "child, subgroup, none",
"type": "string"
"evenodd": {
"suggestedvalues": [
"description": "Creates a navigational box for links to other pages.",
"paramOrder": [
<noinclude>[[Category:Template documentation]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:Template documentation]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 00:16, 24 February 2025

Don't call this template directly from any content page!

This template is intended to be used inside of another template. Then that template in turn may be used on content pages.

This template uses one or more modules written in the Lua programming language.

For more information, see Wikipedia:Lua or the Lua reference manual on mediawiki.org. Modules used include: Navbox.

This template is designed to set up navigational templates relatively quickly with one or more lists of links. We highly recommend using this template for standardizing navigational templates and ease of use, especially for mobile devices.

See the support wiki for more information, including installation steps and further examples.

Basic example

The following example demonstrates the core functionality of this template: the title text, one standard link group, and one link group that contains two sub-groups. The rows are striped for easier readability.

| template = <template_title> <!-- Required. e.g. `|template=Items` for template:Items -->

| title = Items
| striped = even

| group1 = Consumables
| list1 =
* Health Potion
* Mana Potion

| group2 = Weapons

| group2.1 = Swords
| list2.1 =
* Wooden Sword
* Rusted Sword
* Steel Sword

| group2.2 = Bows
| list2.2 =
* Shortbow
* Crossbow
* Longbow



The following parameters modify the navbox as a whole.

Parameter Description
(Required) Title of the template that the edit icon links to. e.g. Items for template:Items.
title Text that appears at the top of the navbox.
Controls if a navbox should be expanded or collapsed when the page loads. This only affects the whole navbox; if sections are used, they are treated differently.
  • expanded (default) - the navbox will start open and readers can collapse it.
  • collapsed - the navbox will start closed and readers can expand it.
  • off, no, or plain - the navbox will start open and cannot be collapsed.

Advanced users can modify this on a page-by-page basis; see the support wiki for more information.

editlinks Controls if an edit icon should be displayed at the top-left of the navbox, making it easier for users to interact with the template itself.
  • unset (default) - displays the edit icon
  • off or no - hides the edit icon
above Text that appears above all list groups, directly below the title.
below Text that appears below all list groups, at the bottom of the navbox.
Controls if the navbox rows should have zebra striping on even or odd rows, making it easier for users to distinguish two rows apart from each other. If sections are used, each section resets the even/odd counter.
  • unset (default) - all rows have the same background
  • y, yes, on, striped, or even - even-numbered rows are highlighted
  • swap or odd - odd-numbered rows are highlighted


The following parameters define sections within the navbox with their own titles.

Parameter Description
headern Text that appears at the top of the section, where n is any positive integer. If the value is set to two or more - (e.g. --, -----, etc.) the new section will have no header bar and cannot be collapsed.

All groups and lists that are n or higher will appear in this section unless there is a higher headern later in the template. For example, if a navbox defines header1 and header4, the first section will include list1, list2, and list3 (and any of their sub-lists), while the second section will include all remaining lists starting at list4 and their sub-lists.

header_state controls if all sections, by default, should be expanded or collapsed when the page loads.

staten overrides header_state for the specific section defined by headern (where n is a matching integer).

  • expanded (default) - the section will start open and readers can collapse it.
  • collapsed - the section will start closed and readers can expand it.
  • off or plain - the section will start open and cannot be collapsed.

Advanced users can modify these on a page-by-page basis; see the support wiki for more information.

Both parameters have no effect on sections with headers set to two or more -, which are always expanded and cannot be collapsed.

List groups

The following parameters define the list groups.

Parameter Description
groupn Text label for a list, which appears on the left on desktop or at the top on mobile, where n is any positive integer.

This parameter is optional; if a listn does not have a matching groupn, the list will take the full width on desktop.

listn A wikitext list, where n is any positive integer.
Text label for sub-lists that appear under groupn, groupn.x, etc.
Wikitext sub-lists.


The following parameters add inline styling or your custom CSS classes to specific elements of the navbox.

To assist with text alignment, three default classes are available: align-left, align-center, and align-right.

Parameter Description
Modifies the parent navbox element; class can be used as a shorthand for navbox_class

Two default classes are available:

  • pill changes the links to pill-styled rather than dot-separated
  • pill-mobile only changes the links to pill-styled on mobile devices
Modifies the title bar
Modifies the above text row
Modifies the below text row
Modifies all section headers (not the title bar)
Modifies the specific section header n
Modifies the container holding the section defined by a matching headern
Modifies all base groups (groupn), but not any subgroups (groupn.x, etc.)
Modifies all subgroups at all levels (groupn.x, groupn.x.y, etc.)
Modifies the specific group A, where A is any n, n.x, n.x.y, etc.
Modifies all lists. Note, in this context, "list" refers to the container of a listn parameter, not a ul or ol element inside the parameter
Modifies the specific list A, where A is any n, n.x, n.x.y, etc.