King's Field: Collectibles and Memorabilia
Verdite Trilogy Perfect Guide (キングスフィールドⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ 聖典)
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN 4-7973-1866-X
- Description: 6x8 inches, 127 pages, few color pages but mostly black and white. Contains information on the first 3 Play Station games in the King's Field series. Has a few pages of interviews and pictures of collectibles, but mainly consists of stat tables for enemies, weapons, items and maps for each game.
- Includes Comes with book (looks similar to slip cover), slip cover (pictured), and a 'fallout' registration postcard.
King's Field III Strategy Visual Book: The Story of Verdite
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN 4-7897-9023-1
- Description: 9x11 inches, 111 pages, full color. Contains the Japanese '"Verdite Chronicles" which is a summary of the King's Field trilogy story and a few interviews, but mainly it gives detailed walkthrough for King's Field 3 including maps,and information on enemies, characters, spells and such.
- Includes Comes with book (looks similar to slip cover), slip cover (pictured), and a secondary short slip cover strip (brown-lower pictured).