This page was created to get users that are not familiar with using a wiki site. For most purposes the contents and features of this wiki should be similar if not identical to that of at the time of its construction. If you find any functionality to be out of date, or want to suggest new functionality such as templates etc that are available on mediawiki or don't hesitate to ask and the admins can see about integrating it.
Account Creation/Use
Account creation is simple, from anywhere on this site you only need to click on the login/create account link in the upper right hand corner of the page. This will redirect you to login page with a link to create a new account if you are not already registered. For the time being, SoM wiki will require email authentication during the registration process as a means to block spammers and those who would intentionally destroy data on the wiki.
The current
Creating A Page
Using A Template
Uploading Files/Images