
From Sword of Moonlight Wiki
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This page was created to get users that are not familiar with using a wiki site. For most purposes the contents and features of this wiki should be similar if not identical to that of at the time of its construction. If you find any functionality to be out of date, or want to suggest new functionality such as templates etc that are available on mediawiki or don't hesitate to ask and the admins can see about integrating it.

Account Creation/Use

Creation Account creation is simple, from anywhere on this site you only need to click on the login/create account link in the upper right hand corner of the page. This will redirect you to login page with a link to create a new account if you are not already registered. For the time being, SoM wiki will require email authentication during the registration process as a means to block spammers and those who would intentionally destroy data on the wiki.

The current CAPTCHA method being employed is a simple question/answer registration form. Each of the questions pertains to information within the King's Field universe that should be easy to answer for any fan of King's Field or the Sword Of Moonlight history. If you have trouble answering any of the questions please contact the site admin to assist you in account creation.

Terms of Use There aren't any real ground rules about using this Wiki, we simply ask that you respect the other users of this resource and do your best to give accurate data on any pages you create or edit. Creating and editing pages is limited to registered users only and will remain so to deter spammers and control any abuse of the site.

Please do your best when editing a community page to give a thorough summary of the changes/additions you made to the page so that other users can understand why some articles they may have posted in have changed. If someone changes data you think was previously correct, feel free to discuss with a site administrator and work it out in a professional manner.

If you feel a user is abusing the site please report the abuse to a system admin asap so we can investigate and take appropriate action. Any user found abusing the site, including spamming, intentional deletion or damage of another's page or intentional posting of invalid information will be banned without warning and will not be reinstated. This is a one strike and you're out webpage as I don't feel the desire to police the use of it.

This site also obeys the rules and limitations of the community forum, meaning any users that have been banned for misconduct from the forum are also banned from this wiki, and vice versa. Please remember this site is founded with positive thinking, negativity is unwelcome here.

Creating A Page

The simplest way to create a new page is to type in the title of the page you want to create into the search dialog box to the left. If the page is not currently on the wiki anywhere, you will be prompted to create the new page if you so desire. Once you have selected to create a new page, the remainder of the screens are relatively self explanatory, and you only need fill in the body of the page and choose save to have your page be published.

Keep in mind, as this wiki grows new editing tools will become available to you to assist in page styling and creation. A section devoted to page design is forthcoming.

Using A Template

Uploading Files/Images
